object(DateTime)#1028 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-07-18 14:10:00.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"


The Department of Natural Sciences, in collaboration with the Center for the Study of Issues in Teaching Natural Sciences, is organizing the evening pedagogical lecture series "GALLERY OF SUCCESS: self-realization in the teaching profession."

The series aims to exchange experiences on the effective use of educational environments in shaping students' natural scientific knowledge, creating an inclusive environment, positioning the best examples of teachers' professional self-realization, and integrating developers and stakeholders to improve educational programs and attract applicants. Lectures are held in-person and through video conferences on the ZOOM platform. Moderators include faculty members Olga Chernyavskaya, Galiya Ruchkina, Maria Rulyova, and organizers from schools and the department, namely Natalya Bespalchuk, Svetlana Okhrimenko, Natalya Tsimbalyuk, Zheniskul Bozhekenova, and Maxim Gubenko.

Experienced school teachers from Kazakhstan, who have significant achievements in their professional practice, such as Karina Nugumanova, Valentina Becker, Alisher Kurmanayev, Aliya Naymanbaeva, Andrey Leven, and Erzhan Erezhepov, serve as lecturers. They give lectures for students majoring in Chemistry, Biology, Geography, Chemistry-Biology, and Biology-Chemistry programs.

The discussions cover various topics, including new approaches to enhancing the practical orientation of higher pedagogical education, addressing issues with underperforming students, participating in the "Learn from the Best" project, popularizing advanced pedagogical experience, staying informed about the progress of projects for developing the potential of rural small schools, modern education trends, implementing new education methodologies, and many more.

Participants, over 60 students, emphasize the importance of these lectures in their development as future educators. The informal setting and openness of school teachers who willingly share their experiences in building relationships with students and working with children with special educational needs reveal the secrets of pedagogical mastery. This format was successfully tested last year, where teachers presented their professional skills in a series of evening pedagogical lectures for students.

The organizers express gratitude to all teachers who take the time to meet with students and share their invaluable experiences. The pedagogical lecture series, which began on October 30, will conclude on November 28, and we will learn about its results later.



Admission committee