object(DateTime)#1026 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-07-01 02:22:24.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"


On February 23-24, 2023 Acting Head of International Cooperation Department of A.Baitursynov KRU Abisheva Saule Kabzhanovna took part in the seminar on internationalization of higher education at SATBAYEV UNIVERSITY.

Vice-rectors, heads of international departments and vice-deans took part in the seminar.

The representatives of embassies were the speakers.

Ms. Amber Ora from the U.S. Embassy's Diplomatic Mission explained the possibilities for cooperation with American Universities, inviting professors and exchanging students.

The conditions of application and benefits of the Erasmus programme were also explained.

The British Council presented its training opportunities.

Issues of academic mobility development, implementation of joint educational programmes, double degree programmes, quality assessment of internationalization processes, strategic planning of university international activities and many others were discussed.

The seminar was very active, the participants carried out a large number of practical tasks and case studies of real problem situations.

At the end of the seminar, the participants worked out recommendations on further development of internationalisation of higher and postgraduate education in Kazakhstan.


Admission committee