object(DateTime)#1028 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-07-18 02:42:48.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

Think! Know! Learn!

On February 18, 2022, within within the month of innovations, the senior teacher of the Language Training Center Koval Olessya held an online quiz “Think! Know! Learn!” on the Quizizz platform which was dedicated to International Native Language Day.

Native Language Day has been celebrated around the world since 2000. Online quiz "Think! Know! Learn!" is one of the most exciting events in the field of intellectual leisure. It contributes to the development of memory, thinking, team spirit, the ability to be objective, defend one's own point of view and respect someone else's one.

The participants should think about their attitude to their native and foreign languages, remember how many languages there are on Earth, and each one must be valued.

The students of the "6B011512 - Biology-Chemistry" and "6B01701 - Kazakh Language and Literature" EP took an active part in the online quiz, during the game the following winners were determined: 1st place - Zhumabayeva Aigerim; 2nd place - Amankeldieva Aigerim; 3rd place - Seleu Zhansaya.

Admission committee