object(DateTime)#1026 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-07-01 00:22:53.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

Dual Education - In Action!

For first-year students of the "Mechanical Engineering" educational program, the new academic year started not in classrooms, as usual, but at a factory. Starting from September 1, the Department of Mechanical Engineering began training future specialists through a dual form of education. This was made possible by a memorandum signed between A. Baitursynuly KRU and the production enterprise TOO "KamLitKZ."

Dual education involves collaboration between the university and industry, where students acquire foundational knowledge at the university and practical skills are honed at the enterprise, i.e., at the factory. This increases the efficiency of preparing qualified specialists in both theoretical and practical directions. First-year students are divided into two groups, and after gaining practical skills at the factory, both groups have already started their classes. Until November 1, they will receive theoretical knowledge on semester subjects at the university and then continue refining practical skills at TOO "KamLitKZ."

Jointly developed educational programs benefit both sides: they allow students to create a solid theoretical and practical foundation, adapt to production, and provide the factory with trained, qualified personnel.

After graduating, students will continue working at the factory, addressing the issue of graduates' employment by the university. It's worth noting that the topics for diploma projects are selected based on the enterprise's issues, and the project defense will take place at the factory.

Admission committee