object(DateTime)#1028 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-07-18 09:26:12.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"


Students of the "Accounting and Audit" program at BAITURSYNULY_UNIVERSITY, Aliya Syzdyk and Sabina Kabdyeva, will take their winter session exams at Vytautas Magnus University in Lithuania, where they have been since the beginning of the academic year as part of the dual-degree program.

The collaboration between the universities began in 2021, and during this period, dual-degree educational programs have been implemented in the fields of "Accounting and Audit," "Ecology," and "Biology" for bachelor's students.

According to the terms of the dual-degree program agreement, BU students will study in Lithuania for one academic year. Thus, they will complete their third year in Lithuania and then return to Kazakhstan to finish their education at their home university. Upon completion, they will receive two diplomas – from A. Baitursynuly Kostanay Regional University and Vytautas Magnus University in Lithuania.

At Vytautas Magnus University, Kazakh students receive education from leading European specialists in accounting, such as Professor Danutė Zinkūnienė, Professor Vesa Niskanen, and Professor Erika Besusparienė.

It's worth noting that Vytautas Magnus University is in the top 400 QS ranking, and its diplomas are recognized in 50 countries worldwide, including EU countries, as well as in the USA and Canada.

Currently, BAITURSYNULY_UNIVERSITY offers eight dual-degree programs.

Admission committee