object(DateTime)#1028 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-07-18 09:04:32.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

Do you know how to assemble sports cars?

Do you know how to assemble sports cars?

Our sophomores know now. Baitursynuly University students Beybarys BATYRGUZHIN and Temirlan SAPARBAYEV are currently at Dong-Eui University in South Korea.

Recall that Baitursynuly University has signed a memorandum with this university. The goal is to train personnel for the machine-building industry of Kazakhstan.

So our guys are studying there the directions of development of unmanned vehicles, the practice of operating electrical equipment, the development of auto parts.

Is it interesting? They answer, what else! South Korean students invited Kostanay residents to the workshop, where they assembled a sports car themselves. And even participated in races. This is a real knowledge boost! To be continued…

Do you also want to study and see the world, strengthen your skills in foreign universities? Enroll in the A. Baitursynuly KRU! We not only talk about academic mobility, it works!

 ➡All the details are here: @kru_kst_priyem #baitursynuly_university #university_baytursynuli #kru_costanai #best university

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