object(DateTime)#1026 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-06-30 19:05:37.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

South Korea: ties even stronger

The rector of Baitursynuly University visited South Korea as part of the Kazakh delegation.

The working visit took place at the invitation of Advisor to the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kim Jin Ha.

The Kazakh delegation included representatives of the Allur group of companies, Alageum Electric, the UMAY Research Center, KRU named after A. Baitursynuly and Kartu named after A. Saginov.

“During the working visit, for the first time, representatives of industry and science came together to study advanced practices and technologies introduced in Korea,” explained the rector of Baitursynuly University Seitbek KUANYSHBAEV. “We discussed the development of projects, educational programs and scientific initiatives aimed at increasing the competitiveness of Kazakh industry and improving personnel training in relevant areas."

KRU has already established academic ties with South Korea.

Our students Beybarys Batyrguzhin and Temirlan Saparbaev are now studying at Dong-Eui University, which works closely with the world-famous automobile corporation Hyundai and has extensive experience in training specialists for the engineering industry.

The rector of KRU met with the guys who shared their impressions of studying and living in South Korea.

By the way, next year already 10 of our students will be able to study at Dong-Eui. Kostanay and South Korean universities signed a corresponding memorandum last month.

As part of the working trip, the rector of Baitursynuly University met with the leadership of two more universities - Tech University of Korea and Kongju National University. I got acquainted with the educational process and innovative projects that allow us to train highly qualified specialists in the field of high technology.

Graduates of these universities work at large industrial enterprises, which are also included in the working trip program. The Kazakh delegation visited the flagship KIA enterprise, where full-cycle production has been established, from stamping to electrical components.

Equally impressive were the largest steel plant, Hyundai Steel, and Doosan Enerbility, a leading expert in the field of thermal, nuclear and renewable energy.

Admission committee