object(DateTime)#1028 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-07-18 02:23:30.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

A lawyer in the digital world in the 21st century

"Lawyer in the digital world in the XXI century" is the topic of the round table held by the Department of Theory of State and Law of the Faculty of Economics and Law. It was attended by employees of the Department of Justice of the Kostanay region, the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs in the Kostanay region, the Finance Department of the Akimat of the Kostanay region, the Police Department of the Kostanay region of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the teaching staff of the KarSU named after Academician E.A. Buketov, KF ChelSU, KRU named after Akhmet Baitursyly, doctoral students, students engaged in the development and research of scientific problems in the field of digitalization.

The round table discussed scientific and practical problems and prospects in the field of digitalization, in particular, its role in the work of a lawyer at the current stage of development of society and the state.

In addition, the participants of the round table touched upon issues related to digital technologies and their legal regulation, informatization of law enforcement, digitalization in the field of protecting the rights of civil servants, digital resources in the lawyer's project activities, current trends in digitalization in the legal environment, artificial intelligence in legal education.

Admission committee