object(DateTime)#1028 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-07-17 22:40:01.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

Regional competitions in basic military training held by Baitursynuly University Military Department

More than 100 participants from 17 military-patriotic clubs in the region took part in basic military training. The competitions were dedicated to three important dates: Defender of the Fatherland Day, Victory Day, and the 100th anniversary of Khalyk Kaharmany Sagadat Nurmagambetov.

"Today, here are gathered brave-spirited young people who are not afraid of challenges,"  Colonel Oleg Oborin said, the head of the Baitursynuly University Military Department, addressing the participants. "We hope that our competitions will become a tradition, and we will gather you together annually. I wish everyone good luck!"

The participants were in a fighting spirit. The youth rescued "the injured," cooked in a soldier's kitchen, assembled and disassembled weapons, cleared a "minefield," and went through an obstacle course. They showed their skills in each of these area.

However, they competed not only physically but also intellectually. Participants had to thoroughly study how to act in armed conflicts and other emergency situations.

Aa a result, the first place in fair competition was taken by the team "ZhazSarbaz" of Kostanay Higher Polytechnic College.The "Zhiger" club of the Zarechnaya Secondary School named after A. Baitursynov took second place with a slight lead. The third place was taken by the "ZhazSarbaz" of the MyrzakypDulatov Secondary School in Rudny.

Participants gained not only valuable experience but also detailed information on how to turn a hobby into a profession. It is worth noting that Baitursynuly University is the only military department in the region.

There are some advantages of the Military Department: training at the military department is carried out simultaneously with civilian education, it means that students do not lose time upon graduation for military service in the army but immediately receive a military ID and the rank of "Reserve Lieutenant" or "Reserve Junior Sergeant." The officer reserve training program lasts 2 years, while for reserve sergeants it is only a year.

Moreover, both young men and women can become students of the Military Department.

Admission committee