object(DateTime)#1028 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-07-17 22:39:02.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

A bright example of heroism

Defender of the Fatherland Day will always be a symbol of courage and valour, heroism and patriotism, a criterion of love and loyalty to the Motherland, and our dear veterans, for future generations, for all defenders of the independence of our sovereign country, will undoubtedly remain a bright example.

In pedagogical institute named after Sultandazin, a meeting was held with the 100-year-old veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Kasymkhan Aldabergenovich Aldabergenov, and the honorary veteran of the National Security Committee, Colonel Mamadn Talgat Khajiyevich. Talgat Khajiyevich is the son of Kasymkhan Aldabergenovich's frontline comrade.

The purpose of the meeting is to honor the memory and uplift the spirit of the heroic deeds of our ancestors who showed heroism in the Great Patriotic War, become an example for our students.

KasymkhanAldabergenov went to the front in 1943, when he was 17 years old. The young man was characterized by his energy, determination, and was accepted into the airborne forces. He fought face to face with the enemy. Starting the war in January 1943, he participated in the 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian fronts. As part of the paratroopers, he took part in the liberation of Europe. He celebrated victory in Czechoslovakia as part of the Soviet Army and returned home in 1950. During the war, he made 62 parachute jumps. On coming back home, Senior Kasymkhan exchanged a sword for a pen. For almost a quarter of a century, he worked as a correspondent for the regional newspaper "Kostanaytanı". During these years, informative books and collections were published. In addition, he was a teacher and his talent was even praised by the union newspaper "Pravda". Later, KasymkhanAldabergenov joined the Union of Journalists of Kazakhstan and was awarded the medal "Honored Journalist of Kazakhstan".

Since 2016, Talgat Khazhiyevich has been an honorary veteran of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He was awarded state and departmental honors (orders and medals), honorary certificates. He is the President of the regional federation of kudo and sambo, a black belt holder from Daido Juku Kudo. He holds the 1st category in chess, participated in international competitions of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation and the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Urals region. Talgat Khazhiyevich has also published 6 books and has poetic works. He was twice nominated in the category "Writer of the Year" in the Kostanay region. He is the laureate of the "Qazyna" prize and a Member of the Council of Veterans of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

During an evening meeting with veterans, students performed songs dedicated to the veterans. The students listened attentively and with interest to the veterans. The veterans shared their difficult days during the war and wished the students a bright future.

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