object(DateTime)#1028 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-07-18 04:38:37.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"


Today, the State Archive of Kostanay region hosted the opening of the "Gylym halls" of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines of the A.Baitursynuly KRU, where students, undergraduates, doctoral students and faculty of the department will be able to work on archival documents. Also, as part of the opening of the scientific hall, a presentation of scientific works of the faculty of the department was held.

he right to ceremoniously cut the ribbon was granted to Sabit Kazybayev, Director of the State Archive of Kostanay region, and Serikzhan Ismailov, Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate Professor, head of the department.

In his speech, the director of the archive S. Kazybayev noted that the cooperation of the State Archive of Kostanay region with the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines has been going on for more than two decades. On the basis of the archive, students of educational programs undergo practical training, a branch of the department has been established. Some of the graduates are currently working in the regional and district archives.

After the grand opening of the hall, a presentation of a new monograph "At the origins of the University" by Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Dmitry Lung and senior lecturer Baurzhan Nurseitov took place.

The authors told the students of the OP "History", "Archival Science, documentation and museum business" how the process of working on a multi-page work took place. Kalkaman Zhakyp, PhD, professor, veteran of pedagogical work, said in his speech that since childhood he had been attracted to working with archival documents, which led him to search and discover previously unknown historical materials. Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Aidar Aitmukhambetov noted that many of his scientific works were created on the basis of archival materials discovered by him in the funds of regional and district archives.

He thanked the management and staff of the regional archive for their understanding and assistance in finding the necessary materials.

In conclusion, the head of the Department of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines, S. Ismailov, said that the teaching staff of the department work on a permanent basis in the halls of the archive. Such a partnership has acquired particular importance in fulfilling the tasks set by the President of the country, K.K. Tokayev, during the period of activity of the State Commission for the Complete Rehabilitation of Victims of Political Repression.

A number of scientists and young researchers of the department, members of the regional rehabilitation commission such as Aidar Aitmukhambetov, Serikzhan Ismailov, Alibek Tabuldenov, Ruslan Zhusupov, Tobol Zhandauletov, Gulmira Nurusheva and others participated in writing the works of the commission created on the basis of archival documents found in the regional archive.

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