object(DateTime)#1028 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-07-18 08:38:53.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"


Today, the representative of JSC "Financial Center", Zhanat Ibraeva, met with bachelor's, master's, and doctoral students of the A.Baitursynov KRU, who are studying on a state educational grant. The guest explained the rules of mandatory working up of the grant, distribution and their employment.

Specifically, regarding the issues of working up state educational grants, Zhanat Sametovna said that from January 8, 2021, amendments and additions were made to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On education", according to which reimbursement of expenses incurred at the expense of budget funds is provided, proportionate to the actually worked up period according to the formula for determining the duration of working up. That is, if a student studied for two years on a grant and then transferred to a fee-based form, he will have to work the time, corresponding to the number of years of study on a state grant. The same rule applies in cases where students who are studying on a fee basis compete for vacant grant places.

The Law "On Education" also provides for exemption from working up, but they are provided only by Distribution Commissions in the year of graduation in the following cases:

During admission or call to military service, citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan are given a deferment for the period of service without counting the time of service in the work-up period. For non-fulfillment of obligations to work up, a young specialist is obliged to reimburse the expenses incurred at the expense of budget funds in connection with his training. Reimbursement of expenses incurred at the expense of budget funds is made proportionally to the actually worked up period.

More details on working conditions can be viewed here: here


Admission committee