object(DateTime)#1028 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-07-17 22:23:13.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

A DEBATEable Question

Baitursynuly University students participated in a large-scale debate competition, which was held in English.

Organized by the Fulbright Association of Kazakhstan, the debate conference was held in Astana. 38 Kazakh universities that host teachers in the American ETA and ELF programs participated.

Baitursynuly University was represented by two second-year-students Parvina Abdurakhimova and Diana Erbolat, who are studying with a Fulbright scholar Sadie Ritter.

“The debates were held in the American format,” said Nagima Manasbayeva, the head of the International Cooperation Department of Baitursynuly University. “The topics weren’t known in advance, so the students had to improvise for the most part. The competition was big. Our students experienced a lot of emotions and gained useful experience!”

Admission committee