object(DateTime)#1028 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-07-18 12:24:01.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

Listeners of Pedagogical Retraining Courses Received Certificates

Today, 68 participants of the pedagogical retraining courses at the Continuous Education Institute of A. Baitursynuly KRU received their long-awaited certificates, enabling them to work as teachers in schools.

Over 7 months, they underwent pedagogical training, and just yesterday, they completed their final exams.

This marks the fourth graduation of the pedagogical retraining school. For many, these certificates indeed open doors to schools. Since the inception of the courses, more than 120 individuals have received such certificates, contributing professional educators to rural and small-sized schools. Another 90 individuals have commenced their education in these courses, as the training is continuous throughout the year, depending on group formation. Notably, the participants are residents of the North Kazakhstan and Akmolinsk regions. KRU was among the pioneers in offering such courses.

Reminder: Pedagogical retraining courses are primarily designed for individuals with professional education but lacking pedagogical qualifications, entering the teaching profession for the first time.

Admission committee