object(DateTime)#1039 (3) {
  string(26) "2025-03-14 17:09:14.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

Return to the alma mater

All this week, Baitursynuly University hosted guests as a hero of the day. And, of course, there were many of our graduates among them. Those who once took their first career steps within the walls of the KRU.

One of them is the first deputy prosecutor of Kostanay region Bauyrzhan BEKBOSYNOV. The other day, a 2002 graduate visited his native Faculty of Economics and Law with a guest lecture.

Bauyrzhan Abayevich congratulated students and teachers on the 85th anniversary of the KRU, and also spoke in detail about the work of the prosecutor's office, the possibility of internship and further employment.

Another graduate of the faculty, who looked into the alma mater during these holidays, is the deputy akim of Lisakovsk, Sayat SHAIMURUNOV. He shared his student memories with the guys, talked about his professional career and gave a lot of valuable advice.

There were also letters of thanks. Teachers of the Accounting and Management Department Zhumagul Kazhikova and Gulden ZHUSUPOVA received them from the Audit Commission of the Kostanay region.

Admission committee