object(DateTime)#1028 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-07-17 22:37:42.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

Knowledge verification

The first geographical dictation was held in Kazakhstan on the initiative of QazaqGeography. The event was organized at the premises of geographical organizations and universities in the country. One of them was Baitursynuly University.

The aim was to popularize geographical knowledge and stimulate interest in studying the geography of Kazakhstan among the residents and guests of our country.

The dictation took place in an offline format, providing each participant with the opportunity to test their knowledge in the field of our country's geography in both Kazakh and Russian languages.

It is worth noting that the dictation was conducted anonymously. Upon registration, each participant was assigned a unique code, which they can use to check their results on April 26 on the Instagram account @qazaqgeography.

More than 500 people took part in the event. We were pleased to see graduates of Kostanay schools in our university.

We wish the students good luck! Both in the geodictation and in the UNT (Unified Nationak Testing)!

Admission committee