object(DateTime)#1028 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-07-18 08:21:47.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"


A round table dedicated to the International Anti-Corruption Day took place at Kostanay Regional University (KRU) on the topic: "Current Aspects of Combating Corruption in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Modern Era."

Participants discussed relevant issues related to the formation of an anti-corruption culture. Karina Kistubaeva, the chief specialist of the Prevention Department of the Anti-Corruption Agency in the Kostanay region, delivered a presentation on the practical implementation of state anti-corruption policies. The speaker covered innovations in anti-corruption legislation, practical implementation of these norms, provided examples, statistics, and addressed business protection. The presentation raised several questions, sparking discussions.

Azamat Aitmagambet, the chief specialist of the Control Department in the sphere of public service at the Anti-Corruption Agency in the Kostanay region, presented on the "Features of Anti-Corruption Behavior of Kazakhstani Public Servants." The presentation highlighted various aspects of restrictions that public servants undertake and the responsibilities they bear.

Asel Akylbekova, a law master and police lieutenant colonel, addressed the issue of accountability not only for public servants but also for civil society and individuals.

Diana Batyrbekova, a senior lecturer at the Department of State Theory and Law at Kostanay Regional University named after A. Baitursynuly, discussed the analysis of students' work on anti-corruption culture issues. She presented the results of analyzing students' essays on eradicating corruption, methods to reduce corruption, describing the portrait of a corruption-prone individual, etc. She utilized digital technologies, including artificial intelligence, to devise solutions to the corruption problem.

Associate Professor (Assistant Professor) Rakhim Nurmagambetov supported the research, emphasizing the need to form moral foundations, changes in consciousness, and a shift away from a consumeristic attitude toward resources—human, natural, and financial.

During the meeting, students of law also had the opportunity to speak. Each presentation sparked keen interest and lively discussions among the round table participants.

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