object(DateTime)#1028 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-07-18 10:17:04.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"


Today, at the Department of Journalism and Communication Management of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, an auditorium was inaugurated in honor of the renowned journalist Baytursyn Ilyas.

Baytursyn Ilyas dedicated over 40 years to the journalism profession and played a crucial role in the establishment of the journalism faculty, where he worked as a lecturer in his later years. In addition to his teaching activities, he extensively studied the life and work of Ahmet Baitursynuly. He initiated courses like "Ahmettanu" and "Baytursynology" in the journalism specialty and later in all university programs. Under his initiative, the university began publishing the "Zhas Orken Kostanay" magazine.

In 1996, Baytursyn Ilyas led the first expedition to the Zhangeldinsky district, Ahmet Baitursynuly's homeland, where he visited his family and brought many exhibits now present in the university museum. The outcome of that expedition was the book "Altyn Besik," published on the 125th anniversary of A. Baitursynuly, authored by B. Ilyas.

The memorable evening was attended by Rector Seitbek Kuanysbaev, Baytursyn Ilyas's children and relatives, renowned poet Serikbay Ospanov, department faculty, his students, and notable figures like Dr. Amanheldy Shurentayev from the Eurasian University named after L. Gumilev. This occasion also marked the awarding of the named scholarship, won this time by 2nd-year journalism student Diana Iskakova.


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