object(DateTime)#1028 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-07-18 00:38:56.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

Academic Mobility of Faculty

Professors Jeniskul Utebayeva and Gulnar Seitova from Baitursynuly University have just returned from Yekaterinburg, where they participated in the academic mobility program of the teaching staff at the Ural State Agrarian University from April 1 to 5. By the invitation Institute of Economics, Finance, and Management, our scholars gave lectures and conducted practical sessions in disciplines such as History of Economic Studies, Fundamentals of Project Management, Innovative Management, and Management for students in the 1st to 3rd years of the Management bachelor's program.

Additionally, during their stay at the university, the Kostanay professors took a training course on Fundamentals of Managing Business Ideas.

It is worth noting that in March 2021,Kostanay Regional University named after Akhmet Baitursynuly and Ural State Agrarian University signed a memorandum of cooperation outlining the main directions of collaboration between the institutions in educational, professional, and public activities.

One of the key points is the exchange of specialists and faculty members for delivering lectures, seminars, and practical classes, as well as the participation of both parties in scientific-methodological seminars, scientific-practical conferences, and roundtable discussions.


Admission committee