object(DateTime)#1028 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-07-18 04:22:21.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"


Today, at the Pedagogical Institute, as part of the program of meetings with notable personalities, KRU students met with the renowned poet, laureate of the International Literary Prize "Alash," Serikbay Ospanov.

Serikbay Ospanov is a member of the Writers' Union of Kazakhstan, a laureate of the Patronage Club Prize of the Kostanay Region.

He began writing poetry during his school years. His early works were included in the collection "Zher Zhyregi" (1967-1969), and some of them were included in the textbooks "Ana Tili" for grades 2-4 of primary schools. S. Ospanov's works have been translated into Russian and Tajik languages. In addition, he is the author of more than 200 songs.

The most famous of them is "Sagindym Almatymdy" (composer A. Korazbayev). Serikbay Ospanov, a candidate of philological sciences and a professor, worked as the head of the Department of Kazakh Literature at the Pedagogical Institute named after Sultangazin and as the head of the Literary Department of the Kazakh Drama Theater named after I. Omarov.

As part of his scientific activities, he studies the creativity and activities of the prominent teacher, our fellow countryman Ibray Altynsarin. During the meeting, the poet recited his poems, tried to explain the meaning of each work, and shared interesting stories from his life, as well as remembered the people he had met and worked with.

At the end of the meeting, the participants asked their questions and took a memorable photo with the guest.







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