Dear students and master's students,
A competition for the awarding of vacant state educational grants is announced. These grants became available as a result of higher and postgraduate education being completed after the summer examination session of the 2023-2024 academic year.
The competition is conducted in accordance with Section 23 of the Regulations for Grant Allocation for the payment of higher or postgraduate education with the awarding of a Bachelor or Master degree, approved by the order of the Acting Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan on August 25, 2023, No. 443.
The competition is based on the results of intermediate assessment according to the student’s GPA.
In case of equal GPA scores, preference will be given to students with only A and A- grades (excellent). Next in priority will be those with grades ranging from A, A- (excellent) to B+, B, B-; C+ (good), and finally, those with mixed grades over the entire study period.
List of Vacant Grants Based on the Summer Session of the 2023-2024 Academic Year
Applications and documents must be submitted in both paper and electronic formats (scanned copies). In the electronic format, all scanned documents should be saved in a folder named "Surname of the applicant for vacant grant."
Documents for Participation in the Competition for Vacant Educational Grants
Applications and documents should be submitted in both paper and electronic formats (scanned copies). The documents will be accepted by the Deputy Directors of the Institutes for Academic Affairs.
Required Documents for Participation:
Contact Numbers of the Deputy Directors of the Institutes for Academic Affairs: