object(DateTime)#1032 (3) {
  string(26) "2025-03-28 09:18:58.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

Alumni Association

Alumni Association of Akhmet Baytursynuly Kostanay Regional University - a public association created for the purpose of carrying out activities determined by the common interests of university graduates and aimed at mutual support and implementation of promising educational and scientific programs that meet international standards and ensure the dynamic development of the university.

The purpose of the Association is to develop the consolidation and interaction of university graduates to create a professional community that contributes to increasing the competitiveness of the university as a leading educational, research and scientific regional center.

To achieve this goal, the Association solves the following tasks:

  • Creates a database of graduates of Akhmet Baytursynuly KRU to ensure constant communication of graduates with the university and among themselves;
  • Contributes to the provision of high quality education, the development of effective forms of professional development and the cultural level of university graduates, as well as the improvement of their professional and personal qualities;
  • Provides assistance to the university in the development of effective forms of organization of the educational process and scientific research;
  • Uses the experience and capabilities of graduates to implement educational, research and social projects as part of the university's development strategy;
  • Contributes to the development and improvement of cultural and educational work with students;
  • Takes part in career guidance work with youth, distribution and employment of university graduates;
  • Ensures the development of social partnership, coordination and implementation of mutual interests of employers, state and local authorities, educational institutions, public organizations with Akhmet Baytursynuly KRU;
  • Provides assistance in charitable and fundraising activities of the university;
  • Creates and develops new collective forms of information, legal and advertising services for Akhmet Baytursynuly KRU.


P 007-2021 Regulation. Alumni Association of Akhmet Baytursynuly Kostanay Regional University


Composition of the Board of the Alumni Association of Akhmet Baytursynuly Kostanay Regional University


Work plan of the Alumni Association of Akhmet Baytursynuly Kostanay Regional University for 2021


Report on the work of the University Alumni Association. 01/28/2022


Contact Information

E-mail: vice-rector-science@ksu.edu.kz

Admission committee