object(DateTime)#1033 (3) {
  string(26) "2025-03-09 07:03:18.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

Career and Employment Center

Dear graduates who studied under an educational grant! According to paragraph 17 of Article 47 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education", as well as the Rules for sending young specialists to work, approved by the Order of the Acting Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 08/11/2023 No. 403, mandatory three-year (two-year) training is assigned to young specialists and PhD doctors. Moredetails of  JSC "Financial Center"

If you are a student or graduate of our university and are looking for a job, then the "Career and Employment Center named after A. Baytursynuly" is ready to assist you!

Center Mission:

  • Individual approach to each student, assistance in career planning and development, in employment.

The main goals of the Center:

  • Organization and coordination of students' internship;
  • Assistance to students and graduates in successful employment and career development.

Main functions of the center:

  • Organization of cooperation and establishment of contractual relations with enterprises and organizations acting as practice bases for university students;
  • General control over the organization and conduct of all types of practice relevant to students' training direction, compliance with its terms and content;
  • Organization of events facilitating students' employment;
  • Provision of information support to university students, graduates, employers through the website, social networks, and other means of communication;
  • Conducting explanatory work among graduates on grant repayment and familiarizing them with the rules for directing a specialist to work;
  • Organization of the commission's work on the personal distribution of graduates trained under the state educational grant;
  • Interaction with JSC "Financial Center" on issues of grant repayment for graduates trained under the state educational grant;
  • Analysis and monitoring of graduates' employment.


  • Address: Kostanay, A.Baytursynov Street 47 (building 1, office 120)
  • Phone: 8 (7142) 51-11-76
  • Head of the center: Zhibek Zhambylbekovna Yessenbekova
  • E-mail: careercenter@ksu.edu.kz
  • Instagram
Admission committee