object(DateTime)#1014 (3) {
  string(26) "2025-03-12 09:42:19.000000"
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Kazakh Universities To Quality Assurance Processes In Technology Enhanced Learning (KUTEL)

Name of the project: Kazakh Universities To Quality Assurance Processes In Technology Enhanced Learning (KUTEL)

Project number: 598377-EPP-1-2018-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP

Grant Agreement number: 2018 – 3771 /001 -001

Project start date: 15 november2018 г.

End date of the project: 14 november2021 г.

Website: https://www.kutel-project.eu

The Project Consortium brings together 14 organisations: 4 are from European countries - Italy, Bulgaria, Finland and Greece – and 10 are from a Central Asia country, namely Kazakhstan. The Kazakh organisations involved are 7 Universities from different areas of the country, the Ministry of Science and Education, an Accreditation Agency and a Public Foundation.

The main aim of the project:

KUTEL core objective is to promote the modernization of HE in Kazakhstan through the introduction of a national quality assurance system for technology-enhanced learning by guaranteeing the im- provement and implementatation of accreditation standards and procedures of TEL

KUTEL specific objectives are:

  1. Modernize and reform teaching methodologies through the introduction of quality assurance (QA) framework in blended learning.
  2. Develop and improve accreditation standards and procedures related to quality assurance of technology-enhanced (TEL) in Kazakhstan universities according to EU practices.
  3. Establish a methodological frame- work to improve TEL quality assurance in Kazakh universities.
  4. Provide training for Heigher Education (HE) key actors and public authorities responsible for accreditation and evaluation of TEL programs.

Project Partnership

  1. Applicant Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi, Italy
  2. Partner BFU, Burgaski Svoboden Universitet
  3. Partner UTU, Turun Yliopisto
  4. Partner Hellenic Open University
  5. Partner Almaty Institut Of Power Engineering And Communications Nonprofit
  6. Partner Caspian State University of technologies and engineering named
  7. Partner International University Of Information Technologies
  8. Partner Zhezkazgan Baikonurov University
  9. Partner Kokshetau Abai Myrzakhmetov University
  10. Partner Kostanay State Pedagogical University
  11. Partner The Ministry Of Science And Education Of RK
  12. Partner Public fund "Youth front of Leader of the Nation"
  13. Partner Shokan Ualikhanov Kokshetau State University
  14. Partner The Non-Profit Institution Independent Agency For Accreditation
Admission committee