Name of the project: Kazakh Universities To Quality Assurance Processes In Technology Enhanced Learning (KUTEL)
Project number: 598377-EPP-1-2018-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP
Grant Agreement number: 2018 – 3771 /001 -001
Project start date: 15 november2018 г.
End date of the project: 14 november2021 г.
Website: https://www.kutel-project.eu
The Project Consortium brings together 14 organisations: 4 are from European countries - Italy, Bulgaria, Finland and Greece – and 10 are from a Central Asia country, namely Kazakhstan. The Kazakh organisations involved are 7 Universities from different areas of the country, the Ministry of Science and Education, an Accreditation Agency and a Public Foundation.
The main aim of the project:
KUTEL core objective is to promote the modernization of HE in Kazakhstan through the introduction of a national quality assurance system for technology-enhanced learning by guaranteeing the im- provement and implementatation of accreditation standards and procedures of TEL
KUTEL specific objectives are:
- Modernize and reform teaching methodologies through the introduction of quality assurance (QA) framework in blended learning.
- Develop and improve accreditation standards and procedures related to quality assurance of technology-enhanced (TEL) in Kazakhstan universities according to EU practices.
- Establish a methodological frame- work to improve TEL quality assurance in Kazakh universities.
- Provide training for Heigher Education (HE) key actors and public authorities responsible for accreditation and evaluation of TEL programs.
Project Partnership
- Applicant Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi, Italy
- Partner BFU, Burgaski Svoboden Universitet
- Partner UTU, Turun Yliopisto
- Partner Hellenic Open University
- Partner Almaty Institut Of Power Engineering And Communications Nonprofit
- Partner Caspian State University of technologies and engineering named
- Partner International University Of Information Technologies
- Partner Zhezkazgan Baikonurov University
- Partner Kokshetau Abai Myrzakhmetov University
- Partner Kostanay State Pedagogical University
- Partner The Ministry Of Science And Education Of RK
- Partner Public fund "Youth front of Leader of the Nation"
- Partner Shokan Ualikhanov Kokshetau State University
- Partner The Non-Profit Institution Independent Agency For Accreditation