object(DateTime)#1036 (3) {
  string(26) "2025-03-17 02:53:24.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

Going Global Partnership Programme: InterLinks: UK-Kazakhstan Small Grants Scheme for TNE strategy design 2023/2024

Duration: 1 September 2023-31 March 2024

Project Leader:

  •  Professor Barbara Skinner, Professor of TESOL and Education, Ulster University, Northern Ireland

Project team at Akhmet Baitursynuly Kostanay Regional University:

  • Yelena Kandalina, assistant professor of Foreign Philology Department
  • Regina Akhmetkaliyeva , head of Foreign Philology Department

Project aim: to explore the creation of a curriculum structure which fills the pedagogical skills gap of Kostanay’s Foreign Language Philology master student teachers.

Project objective: to develop a TNE structure whereby Kazakh students are accredited for their prior learning on their MA Foreign Language Philology degree to allow exemption from first semester of MA TESOL at Ulster University.

Admission committee