Academic mobility of students is one of the priority directions of the activity of KRU named after A.Baitursynov, which contributes to improvement of the quality of education, increase of the effectiveness of scientific research and establishment of external and internal integration relations.

Ibrahim Yesimkhan, 3rd year, 6B05301 Physics, academic mobility at the University of Lodz (Poland)
«If you are determined to grow in your field and have the opportunity to participate in academic mobility programs, seize it with full dedication. This is a rare chance to challenge yourself, broaden your perspective, and work alongside driven individuals who inspire growth and innovation.
From my own experience, studying at the Faculty of Physics and Applied Informatics in Poland taught me to take complete responsibility for my learning process and maintain high standards of discipline. Collaborating with ambitious individuals inspired me to pursue ambitious goals with greater determination and focus.
Opportunities like this are rare, and they require focus and commitment to fully benefit from them.
In conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude to KRU for providing me with this opportunity.»

Saktagan Nursultan, 2nd year, 6B01705 Foreign language: two foreign languages, academic mobility at the University of Lodz (Poland)
«If a student aspires to develop in the field of linguistics, then academic mobility offers an excellent opportunity to deepen language proficiency. Similarly, participating in an exchange program allows students to broaden their horizons and gain valuable insights from diverse cultural and academic perspectives.
Based on my personal experience studying at the Faculty of Foreign Languages in Poland, I found that learning foreign languages taught me the importance of consistent practice. What is more, mastering a language involves not only understanding its structure but also effectively processing information in it. The education at the University of Lodz, conducted in English, provided me with a unique opportunity to enhance my knowledge of language from various perspectives, introducing me to its usage environment depending on the situation and context.
It becomes evident that such programs are highly beneficial for linguists, offering invaluable opportunities for growth by challenging oneself and experiencing a foreign education system. Thus, linguists will expand their cognitive abilities, which will certainly be needed not only in the field of education, but also in everyday life.
In conclusion, academic mobility paves the way for personal enrichment and greater future possibilities. I am deeply grateful to Kostanay Regional University for giving me the opportunity to participate as an exchange student. This experience has significantly contributed to my professional development, expanding my understanding of linguistics and improving my language skills.»
Kayyrly Sapabek, 4th year, 6B01705 – foreign language: two foreign languages, funding from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland)

«Studying abroad has been an excellent period of personal and professional growth for me. First of all, the mobile academic experience provided by the university proved to be a unique opportunity to immerse myself in a diversity of cultures, educational methods, and perspectives. Thanks to this opportunity, I studied at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań – a state university consistently ranked among the best in Poland.
Every day became a lesson in mutual understanding, adaptation, and embracing the diversity of opinions. Interactions with students from different countries turned into valuable exchanges of experiences and ideas that are impossible to gain while staying within the confines of a single cultural environment.
The university I attended deserves special gratitude. It not only offered a high-quality education but also fostered an atmosphere of mutual understanding and support. Professors demonstrated flexibility and tolerance, encouraging free exchange of ideas. Their passion for their profession was perfect, turning each lesson into an opportunity for inspiration.
The experience of studying abroad also gifted me an invaluable skill set. Confronting various educational systems, I learned to adapt to new methods and approaches to learning.
In my free time, I actively explored Europe, immersing myself in its rich cultural heritage. During these adventures, I not only discovered the beauty and diversity of cultures but also formed strong friendships with people from different countries. These encounters became true treasures, adding vibrant colors to my life. Thanks to these travels, I not only broadened my horizons but also found my place in this diversity.
Finally, my education abroad made me a part of the international community, where diversity and mutual understanding are highly valued. Through this experience, I realized that true education goes beyond the walls of the classroom – it is a vast world of knowledge that one can acquire by exploring new cultures. I am grateful to the university for this unique experience, which became a cornerstone of my personal and professional development».
Aigerim Tleusheva, 4th year, 6B01705 – foreign language: two foreign languages, own funds, Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland)

«My trip through the exchange program in Europe also provided me with the opportunity to become acquainted with the education system, which turned out to be significantly more advanced and effective. In Europe, I was impressed not only by the level of preparation of the teachers and the quality of the educational programs, but also by the accessibility of education for all segments of the population. The European education system offers ample opportunities for students to develop their potential and interests, supporting creativity and self-realization.
Comparing this experience with education in Kazakhstan, I cannot help but note significant differences and advantages of the education system in Europe. Here, the emphasis is not only on academic programs, but also on the development of critical thinking, analysis, and independent reasoning skills. Additionally, Europe places great emphasis on diverse forms of learning, including practical sessions, research projects, and student exchanges, which contribute to deeper and more meaningful learning.
Traveling and exchanging experiences in this field can be a valuable source of inspiration and new ideas for enhancing the quality of education and creating a more favorable environment for youth development. I am grateful to Adam Mickiewicz University, specifically the English Language Faculty, for their exemplary education. Additionally, I extend my gratitude to Kostanay Regional University».
Balmukhametov Erik, 4th year student of the educational program "Translation Studies"

«Before, I could never have imagined that studying abroad for free and travelling all over Europe was realistic. But having taken part in academic mobility from a university, I realised that nothing is impossible in this world.
After passing a quite simple language test and collecting a few medical certificates, my friends from the Pedagogical University and I set off to conquer new heights in our professional life. Poland, although not as generous with sunshine as Kazakhstan, welcomed the curious (and rather tired) guests, who, although not for long, will be part of the busy student life.
As our studies began, we realised that we were faced with the daunting task of combining good grades at our host university with full immersion in the life of a typical European student. By this I mean frequent trips to neighbouring countries and networking in an intercultural and inter-ethnic society. I think we succeeded in our task quite well. As Schengen visa holders, we were able to move around all the countries of the European Union without hindrance. The most important thing was to choose a flight which would not conflict with your study schedule and to buy a ticket which would not leave you without a whole month's stipend.
But the most important thing to remember is that you are going abroad to get a valuable learning experience, not to spend all your time living on idle days and hopeless bouts of partying. What I can say about studying is that if you have no problems with your English, then studying will not be a problem for you either. Throughout the course, we prepared various group presentations and projects. I can say that the teaching methodology differs from ours by introducing a lot of creative and group assignments and more freedom for students to decide in which way they want to do a particular assignment.
In closing, I would like to say that this time and the experience I had while living in another country will definitely be some of the most memorable parts of my young life.
So, don't be afraid, decide and act. And if you have any questions or difficulties during your mobility, you can always count on my support».