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Student Testimonials on Studying Abroad

As part of academic mobility at the expense of the state budget students of Kostanai Regional University named after A. Baitursynov 3 and 4 courses of the educational program "Foreign language: two foreign languages" Dauylbai Nursultan, Tulemisova Dilnaz, Bakun Aigerim, Balgarina Botagoz, and educational program "Translation Business" Balmuhambetov Eric from October 2022 to February 2023 are studying at the University of Lodz (Poland).

Students note that the university has all conditions for comfortable and productive work of students. Semester abroad - the experience of intercultural communication is also an additional advantage in the labor market.

Academic mobility of students is one of the priority directions of the activity of KRU named after A.Baitursynov, which contributes to improvement of the quality of education, increase of the effectiveness of scientific research and establishment of external and internal integration relations.

Aliya Syzdyk – 3rd Year, "Accounting and Audit", Double Degree Program at Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania

"Despite the short timeframe in which I decided to study in Europe, it has been one of the best decisions of my life. We spent the whole summer preparing, collecting documents, improving our English, and arrived in October 2023 because we were waiting for our residence permits. Since the semester started in September, we began our studies online from Kazakhstan.

The education here is conducted in English, and there are English language courses available at the university if needed, allowing us to improve our language skills while continuing our studies.

At Vytautas Magnus University, we are taught by top European specialists in accounting, such as Professor Danute Zinkeviciene, Professor Vesa Niskanen, and Professor Erika Besuspariene.

Under the terms of the double degree program, we will study in Lithuania for one academic year. Thus, we will complete our 3rd year in Lithuania and then return to Kazakhstan to finish our education at our home university. Upon graduation, we will receive two diplomas (from Kostanay Regional University named after Akhmet Baitursynov and Vytautas Magnus University).

The double degree program allows us to obtain two diplomas in just four years of study. Since Lithuania is part of the European Union, the diploma opens up employment opportunities across Europe.

Vytautas Magnus University provides comfortable dormitories for international students at a cost of about 100-140€ per month."

Sabina Kabdyyeva – 3rd Year, "Accounting and Audit", Double Degree Program at Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania

"Studying abroad is undoubtedly an important and valuable experience. It offers unique opportunities for personal and professional development.

I am an undergraduate student in a double degree program, currently in my 3rd year at Vytautas Magnus University in Lithuania, studying 'Accounting and Finance'. Here are a few aspects I've noted during my time here:

  1. Cultural Enrichment: Living in another country allows you to immerse yourself in a new culture, learn about local traditions, language, and customs. It broadens your horizons and makes you more tolerant and understanding of other cultures.
  2. Academic Opportunities: Studying abroad provides access to high-quality educational programs and professors from various countries. We have the chance to study subjects that might be less developed or unavailable in our home country.
  3. International Connections: It's a great opportunity to establish contacts and build relationships with people from all over the world. These connections can help in your career and open new prospects.
  4. Adaptation Skills: Living in another country requires adapting to new conditions, language, customs, and the education system. Initially, it's challenging to get used to everything, but over time it gets easier. This experience enhances adaptability, communication skills, and self-confidence.
  5. Travel: This is a very pleasant bonus to everything mentioned above. With a residence permit, I can travel across the European Union, visit beautiful places, and see the most desired countries and cities.

Overall, my experience studying abroad has been invaluable, significantly influencing my life and career. I am very grateful to our university for providing such an amazing opportunity."

Tomiris Mendauletova, 3rd Year, "Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages," Funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland)

"Studying abroad has been an invaluable experience, significantly enriching my academic and personal growth.

Firstly, I want to thank my university for its commitment to developing global connections and providing students like me with the opportunity to immerse in different cultures and educational systems. Through this exchange program, I not only broadened my academic perspective but also developed a deeper understanding of diversity and cultural awareness.

Moreover, living in a foreign country has been an enriching experience, teaching me invaluable life skills. From navigating unfamiliar streets to adapting to new social norms and language, studying abroad pushed me out of my comfort zone, making me more independent, resilient, and culturally aware.

I also want to express my gratitude to the staff of Kostanay Regional University and Adam Mickiewicz University for their support throughout this journey.

In conclusion, I am incredibly thankful for the opportunity to study abroad and highly recommend the exchange program to future students. It has been a transformative experience that I will cherish for a lifetime, and I am confident that the skills and knowledge gained during my stay abroad will continue to shape my academic and personal aspirations in the years to come."

Alikhan Absadyk, 2nd Year, "Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages," Funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Bemidji State University (USA)

"I had the opportunity to study at the prestigious Bemidji State University in the USA. It was an incredible experience that will be remembered for a lifetime. The level of education surprised me, and the university offered great opportunities for students to achieve their goals. Every professor I had the pleasure of learning from helped me master the subjects and dedicated significant effort, for which I am very grateful. I also want to thank my host family, who helped me adapt and settle in the USA.

I was also fortunate to meet various people from around the world, making friends with people from Japan, Canada, Colombia, Saudi Arabia, and Germany. We lived, studied, and traveled together across different states in America. All these people significantly influenced me and definitely changed my outlook on the world.

I encourage students planning to experience this through academic mobility not to be afraid and to apply for the program. Such an opportunity comes only once, and it shouldn't be missed. Many thanks to our university and the international cooperation department for this experience."

Anastasia Shlenyova, 4th Year, "Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages," Funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland)

"Dreams come true! That's what I realized while studying abroad through academic mobility. Thanks to our university, I had the chance to spend my final semester abroad in Poland at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. In just a few months, we lived a whole separate, vibrant life full of emotions, vital experiences, and warm memories.

I studied at the Faculty of English, and for any student studying foreign languages, practice and immersion in a foreign language environment is a real pleasure and excellent practice. Besides language practice, I gained unique experience interacting with representatives of many cultures, constantly communicating with other international students who also came to Poland, sharing experiences, broadening horizons, and making friends worldwide.

In a new country, you face a series of challenges, learn to overcome your fears, and do things you never did before. Throughout this journey, we were supported by staff from both universities, helping us resolve specific issues, for which we are very grateful!

Attending classes was genuinely engaging. I absorbed a lot of new material and gained valuable knowledge. I also want to note that the style of communication between professors and students and teaching methods differ significantly between our countries. This experience helps us view the educational process from a new angle and possibly apply innovative approaches in the future.

The academic mobility program also allowed us to visit many European Union countries, see the world, visit places previously seen only in photographs, broaden our consciousness, and believe in ourselves.

It's great that our university provides such opportunities. It is an invaluable experience for which I am extremely grateful, and an incredibly interesting journey that will change your perception of the world and yourself!"

Igor Neiman, "Translation Studies: Two Foreign Languages," Funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland)

"Academic mobility in Poland turned out to be an incredible experience, both academically and personally. New knowledge, new acquaintances, and new sensations, all of which unfortunately can't be taken home when there's a baggage limit of 23 kg. But it's an experience worth all the effort and hard-earned money.

Interaction with local students and cultural exchange became true enrichment. Poles are genuinely interested in how things are organized in Kazakhstan and our culture, and they gladly share their own mentality and help us adapt to new realities. Incredibly friendly to foreigners and infinitely cozy Poznan is a city you are happy to return to after traveling across vast Europe.

Adam Mickiewicz University provided excellent educational opportunities. Especially noteworthy is the literature course taught at an astonishingly new level, particularly the Fantastic Fiction course, which introduces you to Spanish literature you might not discover on your own.

In conclusion, life is understood in comparison, so always dare."

Kayyrly Sapabek, 4th year, 6B01705 – foreign language: two foreign languages, financing of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland)

«Studying abroad has been an excellent period of personal and professional growth for me. First of all, the mobile academic experience provided by the university proved to be a unique opportunity to immerse myself in a diversity of cultures, educational methods, and perspectives. Thanks to this opportunity, I studied at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań – a state university consistently ranked among the best in Poland.

Every day became a lesson in mutual understanding, adaptation, and embracing the diversity of opinions. Interactions with students from different countries turned into valuable exchanges of experiences and ideas that are impossible to gain while staying within the confines of a single cultural environment.

The university I attended deserves special gratitude. It not only offered a high-quality education but also fostered an atmosphere of mutual understanding and support. Professors demonstrated flexibility and tolerance, encouraging free exchange of ideas. Their passion for their profession was perfect, turning each lesson into an opportunity for inspiration.

The experience of studying abroad also gifted me an invaluable skill set. Confronting various educational systems, I learned to adapt to new methods and approaches to learning.

In my free time, I actively explored Europe, immersing myself in its rich cultural heritage. During these adventures, I not only discovered the beauty and diversity of cultures but also formed strong friendships with people from different countries. These encounters became true treasures, adding vibrant colors to my life. Thanks to these travels, I not only broadened my horizons but also found my place in this diversity.

Finally, my education abroad made me a part of the international community, where diversity and mutual understanding are highly valued. Through this experience, I realized that true education goes beyond the walls of the classroom – it is a vast world of knowledge that one can acquire by exploring new cultures. I am grateful to the university for this unique experience, which became a cornerstone of my personal and professional development».

Nuray Shaimaganbetova, 4th Year, "Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages," Self-funded, Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland)

"Thanks to our university, in October 2023, I had the opportunity to study in Poland under the academic mobility program. I would like to express my gratitude to the leadership and faculty for providing such opportunities and supporting students in the preparation process. Studying abroad is always very beneficial as it broadens one's horizons, allowing you to look at familiar things from a new perspective, try something new, and expand your circle of friends and acquaintances.

New knowledge, skills, and competencies, as well as new acquaintances, were among the key aspects of studying abroad. We had the chance to study and work together with students from various countries worldwide, participate in group projects, and discussions, and share experiences. This helped develop communication skills, the ability to work in a team, and openness to new ideas.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that studying abroad was an unforgettable experience that enriched my life and will help me in my future career and personal life. I am very grateful to Kostanay Regional University for providing this wonderful opportunity."

Aigerim Tleusheva, 4th year, 6B01705 – foreign language: two foreign languages, own funds, Adam Mickiewicz University (Poland)

«My trip through the exchange program in Europe also provided me with the opportunity to become acquainted with the education system, which turned out to be significantly more advanced and effective. In Europe, I was impressed not only by the level of preparation of the teachers and the quality of the educational programs, but also by the accessibility of education for all segments of the population. The European education system offers ample opportunities for students to develop their potential and interests, supporting creativity and self-realization.

Comparing this experience with education in Kazakhstan, I cannot help but note significant differences and advantages of the education system in Europe. Here, the emphasis is not only on academic programs, but also on the development of critical thinking, analysis, and independent reasoning skills. Additionally, Europe places great emphasis on diverse forms of learning, including practical sessions, research projects, and student exchanges, which contribute to deeper and more meaningful learning.

Traveling and exchanging experiences in this field can be a valuable source of inspiration and new ideas for enhancing the quality of education and creating a more favorable environment for youth development. I am grateful to Adam Mickiewicz University, specifically the English Language Faculty, for their exemplary education. Additionally, I extend my gratitude to Kostanay Regional University».

Айгерим Бакун, 4 курс, 6В01705 – иностранный язык: два иностранных языка, собственные средства, университет имени Адама Мицкевича (Польша)

«Вот и закончился период академической мобильности, оставив за собой бесценные воспоминания и багаж знаний.

Весь семестр мы интенсивно обучались и изучали город, богатый своей историей и достопримечательностями. В период прошлогодней мобильности мне довелось побывать в Познани, но я бы и подумать не могла, что совсем скоро буду в нем жить. Очень благодарна своему университету за те возможности, которые мне открылись и за опыт, что я усвоила. Надеюсь, что в будущем наш университет будет сотрудничать ещё с большим количеством учебных заведений в разных странах, и число студентов, участвующих в мобильности будет расти, тем самым увеличивая число специалистов с международным опытом.

В университете Польши мы столкнулись с новыми для себя подходами и требованиями преподавателей, а также системой обучения, где нужно самостоятельно составлять своё расписание и выбирать предметы.

Во время зимних каникул мне также удалось поучаствовать в двухнедельном проекте Erasmus+ в Германии, темой которого было инклюзивное общение и образование. Проект покрывал все расходы и обеспечивал питание и жильё, а также дал возможность получить международный сертификат, знания с тренингов и завести интернациональных друзей. Так что академическая мобильность дарит не только возможность обучаться в университете, а ещё многие другие, стоит их только увидеть и воспользоваться. Желаю нашему международному отделу процветания, а каждому студенту - попробовать и успешно пройти конкурс по мобильности!»

Dmitry Bondaruk, Amret Musin – 3rd year students of "6B08101-Agronomy" studied under the academic mobility program at Novosibirsk State Agrarian University

«Благодаря нашему Университету в январе 2023 года мы имели возможность поехать в Россию на учебу в рамках программы академической мобильности. Обучение проходило в Новосибирском государственном аграрном университете.   По приезду первые пару недель мы потратили на сборы и заполнение соответствующих документов в отделе международных программ университета. Со стороны университета организовывались встречи, консультации для приезжих.

В НГАУ была очень отлаженная и удобная система обучения, согласно Болонскому процессу. Занятия проводились до обеда или после, в зависимости от факультета и выбранных предметов. После занятий можно было отправиться в библиотеку, где был собран весь нужный материал для студента.

Студенческая жизнь была очень насыщенной, занятия были интересными.

В рамках учебного процесса нами также была подготовлена отличная презентация, изображающая достопримечательности нашей Родины, города, и особенно нашу столицу. Затем последовал небольшой рассказ о празднике Наурыз – что это за праздник, как и где его отмечают. После этого мы перешли к описанию наших национальных блюд, которые, к слову, не оставили равнодушными никого, кто присутствовал на уроке. В целом, презентация понравилось всем студентам и прошло на очень высоком уровне.

Думаю, семестр обучения в России всем пошел на пользу. Мы приобрели неоценимый опыт жизни за рубежом, увеличилось количество друзей в зарубежных странах, людей других культур.

В конце периода обучения было немного грустно от того, что нужно было улетать обратно. Интересный и насыщенный, полный яркими впечатлениями год, был позади, а впереди нас ждали дом, родные друзья. “В гостях хорошо, а дома - лучше”.

Я бы посоветовал программу обмена всем, кто хочет проверить жизненные навыки и выйти из зоны комфорта. Опыт колоссальный. Семестр прошел в шикарном университете, где знания давали на высшем уровне, а эстетика города радовала каждый день. Программа по обмену хороша тем, что человек пробует себя в другом месте и условиях, проверяет характер. Это были самые насыщенные полгода в нашей жизни, которые изменили представления о мире, подарили море впечатлений и информации, а еще усилили любовь к родному дому.

Мы очень благодарны нашему Университету за ту поддержку, которую нам оказали во время пребывания за рубежом и тот шанс, который нам представился!»

Balmukhametov Erik, 4th year student of the educational program "Translation Studies".

«Before, I could never have imagined that studying abroad for free and travelling all over Europe was realistic. But having taken part in academic mobility from a university, I realised that nothing is impossible in this world.

After passing a quite simple language test and collecting a few medical certificates, my friends from the Pedagogical University and I set off to conquer new heights in our professional life. Poland, although not as generous with sunshine as Kazakhstan, welcomed the curious (and rather tired) guests, who, although not for long, will be part of the busy student life.

As our studies began, we realised that we were faced with the daunting task of combining good grades at our host university with full immersion in the life of a typical European student. By this I mean frequent trips to neighbouring countries and networking in an intercultural and inter-ethnic society. I think we succeeded in our task quite well. As Schengen visa holders, we were able to move around all the countries of the European Union without hindrance. The most important thing was to choose a flight which would not conflict with your study schedule and to buy a ticket which would not leave you without a whole month's stipend.

But the most important thing to remember is that you are going abroad to get a valuable learning experience, not to spend all your time living on idle days and hopeless bouts of partying. What I can say about studying is that if you have no problems with your English, then studying will not be a problem for you either. Throughout the course, we prepared various group presentations and projects. I can say that the teaching methodology differs from ours by introducing a lot of creative and group assignments and more freedom for students to decide in which way they want to do a particular assignment.
In closing, I would like to say that this time and the experience I had while living in another country will definitely be some of the most memorable parts of my young life.
So, don't be afraid, decide and act. And if you have any questions or difficulties during your mobility, you can always count on my support».

Bakun Aigerim is a 3rd-year student of the OP "Foreign Language: two foreign languages", studied under the academic mobility program at the expense of the republican budget at the University of Lodz in Poland.

«Studying at the University of Lodz and being in another country for half a year, first of all you become more independent and prudent, learn to control all areas of your life anew and finally adapt, getting rid of the language barrier and the fear of difficulties. Along with this, new, different approaches to learning are also being assimilated, since there are big differences in the presentation and content of the material, homework and projects. The motivation to have good academic performance and quickly grasp topics grows in order to leave time for travel.

In addition to other personal skills, communication skills are also developing strongly, it becomes easy to make acquaintances and establish contacts. Getting to know other students in this way, we traveled to 10 countries during the holidays and weekends. Each of them was not like the previous one, each was remembered for its fascinating adventures. Being there, one feels an interest and a need to firmly know the culture, history of one's country and its customs.

In addition to educational activities, we were also often given the opportunity to visit museums, theaters and other interesting places in the city with a guide from the university. At Christmas, students were invited to the professors' houses for a family dinner to introduce the traditions and not leave students with a feeling of homesickness during the New Year holidays..

Academic mobility is an opportunity not only to get acquainted with teaching methods in the foreign education system and study disciplines from completely different views and approaches, but also an opportunity to immerse yourself in the culture of many other peoples and acquire a web of connections in various parts of the world. For me, this is an experience that even divides life and worldview into before and after, leaving behind a baggage of wonderful memories and valuable knowledge

Daulbay Nursultan 4th year student, Foreign Language: two Foreign Languages, University of Lodz, Poland

«In September 2022, thanks to the university, we had the opportunity to study in Poland within the framework of the academic mobile program. Training took place at the University of Lodz in Lodz. In addition to us, there were many other international students who came under the same program. On the part of the University, meetings and consultations were organized for visitors. Each faculty had its own assistant. He helped to choose subjects and fill out applications in accordance with the curriculum of the sending University, taking into account all our wishes.

I would like to highlight several reasons for my love for this university. The first is the faculty and their respect for students. The second is a large building. And one for the Faculty of philology, where I study.

In our free time, on weekends or holidays, we had the opportunity to visit the countries of the nearby European Union, meet many interesting people, visit museums. Also, once a month, students from different countries organized cultural events and held introductory presentations about their countries and cultures. For this, special national dishes were prepared, and each student told about his country and culture. Of course, we, students from Kazakhstan, did not stand aside.

Student life was very intense, the lessons were interesting.

At the end of the training period, when we had to fly back, we were a little disappointed. Six months were behind us, full of interesting and vivid impressions, and before us was the House, dear friends. "It's good at home, and it's even better at home".

We are very grateful to our university for the opportunity provided, for the support provided during our studies abroad! I would like to express my special gratitude to Maksat amantayuly, who was the director of the Department.»

Balgarina Botagoz 4th year student, OP "Foreign language: two foreign languages", University of Lodz, Poland

««Dzień Dobry!», which translates from Polish as "Good afternoon!", a phrase that you will use most often when studying for an exchange in Poland.

I spent one semester in Lodz, Poland, thanks to the academic mobility program. And these half a year in Poland gave me unique memories and emotions!

Many students think about the possibility of studying abroad, but not everyone knows that this is a much more achievable dream than it may seem at first glance. Of course, first of all, a good knowledge of English is required, since it is needed not only for study, but also for everyday life. The process of submitting documents is not so complicated, thanks to the help of the international department. But we must remember that living and studying in another country is always a great lesson of responsibility and independence for a student.

If we talk about studying in Europe, it is very different from Kazakhstan. Teachers there are more relaxed and in many ways can communicate with students as friends. But this does not prevent them from being professionals in their field and for one pair you get a lot of knowledge.

But the two main reasons why I am grateful for exchange studies are the opportunity to travel and meet new people. A Schengen visa allows you to visit more European countries. What is noteworthy is that if you plan these trips correctly, they will not cost much at all. And it also takes very little time, just a couple of hours and you're already in another country. This means that you can spend your free days traveling.

After spending half a year in another country, you begin to look at the world and people differently. But you also begin to appreciate and love your country, culture, language and people in a new way.

I am very grateful to the academic mobility and the international department of our university for this unforgettable semester in Poland, which I will remember for the rest of my life!

So I advise everyone not to be afraid and use the opportunity to study abroad! Everything is in your hands!".

Tulemisova Dilnaz 4th year student, OP "Foreign language: two foreign languages", University of Lodz, Poland

"Thanks to academic mobility, my last year of undergraduate studies turned out to be full of impressions.

I studied at the Faculties of Philology and Education. I was pleasantly surprised by highly qualified teachers and their teaching methods. The classes were relaxed, but informative. As part of the pedagogical discipline, I tried myself as a teacher in public and private Polish schools. Fortunately, I have never faced discrimination from either university teachers or students, even being the only foreigner in one of the lessons..

The university does everything for the comfort of students: during exams, it is allowed to study in the library until 12 o'clock at night and drink free coffee; excursions to city attractions are offered on weekends; every week the Erasmus community invites to various events ranging from yoga and pizza toppings guessing contests to bowling and club parties; international students can attend classes on Polish, etc.

In addition to the academic part, I would like to mention the people I was lucky enough to meet. I am grateful to them for all the circumstances, because of which I overcame not only linguistic and cultural, but also personal barriers that could limit me somewhere.

Academic mobility is not only about studying, but also about growth and getting out of the comfort zone. I have noticeably broadened my horizons after communicating with people of different cultures, traveling to seven countries of the Schengen zone, attending a concert of my favorite American artist and living independently in another country. I've seen things I never dreamed of, and experienced everything I wouldn't have experienced at home. For the above reasons, I recommend that all students take advantage of this opportunity. Many thanks to KRU for the work done and help, as well as to the Department of international Cooperation!»

Sapargalieva Khapiya, MA student of Foreign Philology, studied under the Erasmus+ program at Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversity, Samsun, Turkey

«I studied at Ondokuz Mayıs University, which is consistently ranked among the top 30 universities in Turkey. As soon as you cross the threshold of the university, you realize that everything has been created here for the comfortable and productive work of students and teachers: modern classrooms, the largest scientific library. Communicating with professors and students left a very pleasant impression. Students here are communicative, hardworking, motivated, able to study successfully and have enough time to relax.

I looked at the system of Turkish higher education from within, plunged into an academic environment, shared my experience and deepened my knowledge. Erasmus+ for me is not only synonymous with academic mobility, but also the key to independence. Whoever spends at least six months in a foreign country, in another language environment, gains confidence, learns to solve organizational issues. A semester abroad, the experience of intercultural communication is also an additional advantage in the labor market. Last but not least, I appreciate this program for the opportunity to make friends.

I recommend the Erasmus+ program to all faculty and students who are confident in their abilities and not afraid to discover a new world. Erasmus+ blurs cultural boundaries and opens up tremendous opportunities for self-actualization.»

Elena Mushtakova, Master's student in Foreign Philology, studied Erasmus+ at Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversity, Samsun, Turkey

«I would like to mention some features of the educational system of the partner university. First, it is obvious that the student has the opportunity to choose the number of courses in each semester within the credit system. The structure of each course is designed so that the student has the opportunity to develop research skills, as much attention is paid to the independent preparation and analysis of scientific sources.

Within each discipline studied in the partner university, the student is given the topic of an individual project, which implies the study and analysis of scientific literature on the chosen topic. Each project is a written report and presentation accompanied by an oral response.

But, in addition to classes and research work, studying abroad is a unique opportunity to study in an international context, the opportunity to gain new knowledge about the culture of other countries, and even learn a new language, and maybe more than one. The opportunity to meet people from different parts of the world and make many new friends. To grow professionally, culturally, and personally. I would also like to express my gratitude to the international department at KSU for its support in organizing academic mobility and assistance throughout my studies abroad. »

Tamirlan Namazov, a student of Regional Studies, studied under the Erasmus+ program at the University of Ostrava, Czech Republic

«A couple of tips for the prospective participant:

  • Study the bureaucratic side of things carefully; never underestimate the rigors of your program and faculty requirements.
  • Keep in constant contact with all parties (your professors, the releasing party, the receiving party).
  • Don't be afraid of any global changes like the pandemic virus quarantine that I fell under. (Most courses curricula are perfectly designed for the online format, the quality of such training is as good as conventional, there are pros and cons. If you will not be able to return home because of such reasons do not worry, your visa is more likely to be extended without your efforts)
  • Be careful about your expenses in a foreign country with different prices. :)
  • Don't be afraid to make friends from other countries, there are a lot of them and they are very friendly.
  • Plan your intra-European trips a week in advance so you don't miss classes at the University and get everything done in time.
  • You don't have to participate in every student activity, but trust me, they all have their perks.
  • Learn the basic phrases of the local language, keep in mind that English is not a universal language and no matter how well you know it, it is possible that you will not be able to convey a thought to a local person from a non-English speaking country.
  • The more plans the better. Gather all your things in a single structure in your spare time, planning in Europe is very fond of.
  • More activity in the classroom. In my experience, Europeans are more fond of ceding the initiative to someone else, while knowing the answer to a particular question from the teacher. Take advantage of this, this way you nonverbally thank the European student for his concessions, besides, activity and discussion skills in class almost ALWAYS occupy a significant part of your final grade for the course. The same goes for regular attendance in class. (Don't skip them, it's not desirable in all situations.)
  • Don't forget that you are a Guest, behave as discreetly as possible.

That's all, Happy Endeavors!»

Udovichenko Anastasia, psychology student, studied under the AM program at her own expense at Penza State University, Russia

«МI always wanted to go to another city/country and find out how students study at another university from the inside When I learned about academic mobility, I decided to take advantage of this opportunity. I am very glad that the leadership of KSU supported me in my desire to participate in AM.

Before leaving, I talked with many students who studied under this program in other countries and cities of Kazakhstan. When I heard only positive reviews, there was no doubt anymore.

Now I am studying for academic mobility at Penza State University, Penza. This is the first such experience for me. Kazakhstan and Russia have very close and friendly relations and therefore we were well received. We feel support from two sides.

Do I regret that I spent a semester studying at another university? I can say with confidence that there is NOT. This is a chance to broaden your horizons, visit another country, get a unique experience of studying at a higher educational institution of another state. All this will not only make new friends and get a huge amount of impressions, but also increase your competitiveness in the future.

I am very pleased that the university has the opportunity to send its students to exchange experience. I can say with confidence that this whole trip as a whole has probably become the brightest event and stage in my life so far. I want to tell all students – don't be afraid! If you really want something, then everything will work out for you! And I, in turn, wish you good luck and I am sure that you will like everything too.»

Admission committee