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Acceptance of documents under the academic mobility program at the expense of the Republican Budget (GRANT of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
11 April 2023
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Acceptance of documents under the academic mobility program at the expense of the Republican Budget (GRANT of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan).
Who can participate:
undergraduate students on a grant basis
Note: students on a contractual basis (those who are on a paid basis) cannot participate in the competition.
University of Lodz (Lodz, Poland);
Vytautas the Great University (Kaunas, Lithuania);
Forestry Engineering University (Sofia, Bulgaria);
University of Ostrava (Ostrava, Czech Republic)
The grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan covers the costs of:
flight (round trip)
accommodation (for a period of 120 days)
Required documents:
application and application form for participation in the academic mobility program at the expense of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (see Appendix A, B) color copy of the passport; transcript;
a document confirming the level of foreign language proficiency (the applicant provides one of the following documents:
a certificate obtained through international foreign language proficiency assessment systems (Ielts at least 5.0/Toefl at least 35-59);
a medical certificate (for traveling abroad) in form No. 072/y, approved by the order of the Acting Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan Dated October 30, 2020, No. KR DSM-175/2020 (registered in the Register of State Registration of Regulatory Legal Acts No. 21579) (hereinafter - Order No. KR DSM-175/2020);
written consent of parents, guardians, legal representatives of the applicant to travel abroad, in case they do not reach the age of eighteen at the time of departure from the Republic of Kazakhstan;
(for those with a large family) a document on the composition of the family, to confirm the large family of the student;
(for the category of students belonging to orphans or students left without parental care (if any);
a document confirming the absence of parents from the student;
(for those who have a disability) a document confirming the student's disability;
if available (optional document) – diploma, certificate, diploma or letter of thanks (for the time of study at KRU)
Terms of acceptance of documents: from April 11 – May 12, 2023.
For all documentation issues and for additional information, you can contact the International Cooperation Department by phone number 51- 11- 73 we also answer questions on our Instagram page @kru_international.
Documents should be submitted to the Department of International Cooperation - office 303, main building, 47 Baitursynova str. Appendix 1 Appendix 2