object(DateTime)#1031 (3) {
  string(26) "2025-01-26 03:57:41.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

Preliminary defense of doctoral dissertation of doctoral student Smailova M.N.

Preliminary protection of doctoral dissertation of doctoral student Smailova M.N.on the theme: "Influence of intensity of cultivation of repair heifers of black-brown breed on their subsequent milk productivity during the first lactation".

25.06.2024godav11.00hours at the Department of Food Security and Biotechnology of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences will be held preliminary defense of doctoral dissertation of doctoral student of specialty 8D08201-"Technology of production of livestock products "Smailova M.N.

4 corpus, auditorium 109/4.

We invite all who wish to attend!

Admission committee