object(DateTime)#1026 (3) {
  string(26) "2024-07-17 23:31:24.000000"
  string(12) "Asia/Karachi"

Announcement of acceptance of reports and summary information on the implementation of projects and programs

The Science Committee of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan announces the admission

final reports:

interim reports:

brief information:

Reception of reports and summary information is carried out in electronic format in an automated information system (http://is.ncste.kz ) certified by the electronic digital signature of the scientific director of projects and programs, the head of the organization, according to the Rules of state accounting of scientific, scientific and technical projects and programs financed from the state budget, and reports on their implementation approved by the order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic Kazakhstan dated March 31, 2015 No. 149.

In accordance with paragraph 39 of the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 25, 2011 No. 575 "On approval of the Rules for basic and program-targeted financing of scientific and (or) Scientific and Technical Activities, grant financing of scientific and (or) scientific and Technical activities and Commercialization of the results of scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities, financing scientific organizations engaged in fundamental scientific research" (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), within the framework of program–targeted financing, performers submit to the authorized body interim and final reports on scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities no later than November 1 of the current reporting year.

According to paragraph 66 of the Rules, within the framework of grant financing, performers submit to the authorized body final reports on scientific and (or) scientific and technical activities (upon completion of the project) no later than November 1 of the current reporting year.

Under grant financing agreements, the implementation of which passes to the next calendar year, grantees submit to the Center of Expertise brief information on the implementation of the project in accordance with the calendar plan through the information system of the center of expertise no later than November 15 of the current reporting year.

At the same time, please pay attention to the fact that according to clause 5.2 of the Contract, in case of non-performance of work within the specified period, the Contractor pays a penalty in the amount of 0.03% of the total amount of the project to the budget for each overdue calendar day.

Performers need to prepare interim and final reports according to the following requirements:

Reports must be issued in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7.32-2017 (attached). (The organization's cover letter is not required);

Language of submission of reports: state or Russian language, as well as English (required);

The number of pages on the report is not limited;

Copies of calendar plans according to contracts (in the report in English, attach copies of calendar plans and a translation into English in WORD format);

In the report in English, the list of sources used and the list of published works should be translated into English, the language of the original version of the publication should be indicated in parentheses;

For international journals in which articles are published, the quartile in the Web of Science database and/or the percentile in the Scopus database for the year of publication or the latest at the time of submission of the report must be indicated;

The final report should contain the most important research results for all the years of the project;

For all questions, please contact the Information Resources Formation Department of NCGNTE JSC: tel. +7 (727) 378-05-32, +7 (727) 378-05-45, +7 (727) 378-05-20, +7 (727) 378-05-19.


Admission committee