object(DateTime)#1034 (3) {
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Kustanai Teachers' Institute (1939-1955)

On August 21, 1939, in agreement with the Council of People's Commissars of the KazSSR and the People's Commissariat of Education of the Republic, the Presidium of the Kustanai Regional Executive Committee of the Council of Workers' Deputies adopted a resolution "On the organization of the Kustanai Teachers' Institute and its branches."

The Institute has 2 faculties: physics and mathematics and natural geography.

A preparatory department and a sector for correspondence education have been organized.

The first intake of 240 students has been completed.

The foundations of scientific research work have been laid.

The following departments were opened: foundations of Marxism-Leninism, physics and mathematics, natural science and geography, Russian language and literature, military physical education department, pedagogy, historical and geographical department, one-year pedagogical courses in the German language.

In 1941, the first graduation of young specialists was carried out.

In February 1942, the teacher training faculty was opened.

According to the Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the Kazakh SSR and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan dated June 17, 1944 No. 351, the Institute was named after Amangeldy Imanov.

In the 40s there were 3 faculties: physics and mathematics, natural geography, Russian language and literature.

Pedagogical and field internships were organized for students of the Institute.

For 1939-1955 The institute has trained about 1,800 specialists.

Учебный корпус. 1949 год

Learning Campus. 1949

Kustanai Pedagogical Institute (1955-1992)

In accordance with the order of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR dated July 1, 1955 No. 56-R, the Kustanai Teachers' Institute was reorganized into the Kustanai Pedagogical Institute from September 1, 1955.

In the 1958-1959 academic year. The first graduation of students who completed the full course of the pedagogical institute took place.

In the 1957-1958 academic year. The 1st student scientific conference was held. In 1959, the Scientific Student Society was created.

Pedagogization of the educational process is being implemented, bringing teaching closer to the practical preparation of students for work at school, pedagogical and practical training is carried out in schools in the region.

The first and only Institute of Public Professions in the republic was created at the Institute, which was later transformed into the University of Public Professions.

In 1973, for the first time in the history of the Institute, the 10 best students underwent teaching practice at the All-Union Pioneer Camp "Artek".

On December 8, 1972, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan and the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR adopted a joint resolution No. 630 on renaming the Institute into the Kustanai Pedagogical Institute named after the 50th anniversary of the USSR.

In 1974, the first Student Design Bureau was organized.

For the first time in the history of the Institute, a doctoral dissertation was defended by V.S. Makotchenko.

In 1980, a faculty for advanced training of teachers and school principals was opened.

The Institute has 3 museums: literary, zoological and archaeological.

In 1990, by decision of the Ministry of Education of the Kazakh SSR, the Republican Educational and Methodological Association for the Training of Teachers for Small Schools (REMA) was founded on the basis of the Institute.

The practice of electing university rectors was introduced for the first time. In April 1989, elections for the rector of the KPI took place.

Kostanay Agricultural Institute (1966 – 2000)

On September 20, 1966, Order No. 309 of the USSR Minister of Agriculture was issued “On the organization of a branch of the Tselinograd Agricultural Institute in the Kustanai region.”

The first graduation of scientific agronomists and livestock specialists was carried out in 1971.

In 1978, on the basis of the Gagarin state farm, a training and experimental farm named after. Yu. Gagarin.

By Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated June 13, 1978 No. 469, the Kustanai Agricultural Institute was created on the basis of the Kustanai branch of the Tselinograd Agricultural Institute.

The construction and construction of new educational buildings and dormitories continued; a machine yard with the latest agricultural machinery was built.

In 1991, the Institute opened a postgraduate course in entomology, ecology, private animal science and technology for processing livestock products, veterinary medicine, microbiology, virology, mycology, mycotoxicology and immunology, in which more than 30 postgraduate students studied.

The Institute has created 4 museums: historical, computer technology, achievements of science and technology, entomological.

In 1991, the Kazakh language department was opened.

Kostanay State University (1992-2019)

Based on the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 6, 1992, the Kustanai Pedagogical Institute named after the 50th anniversary of the USSR was renamed into Kustanai State University.

New specialties have been opened: law, economics and production management, psychology, applied mathematics, computer software and automated systems, music and singing.

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 3, 1996 No. 384, Kostanay State University is named after the famous poet, Turkic scholar, public and statesman Akhmet Baitursynov.

On November 17, 1998, with the participation of the head of state, for the first time in the history of the university, an international video conference was held with the University of Oklahoma (USA).

In 1999, Dissertation Councils were created for the specialties: “Domestic History” and “Economics and Management of the National Economy”.

On September 15, 2000, a monument to the great educator Akhmet Baitursynov was unveiled on the square in front of the University, the opening ceremony of which was attended by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In 2000, the Kostanay Agricultural Institute became part of the University.

On April 1, 2004, the Kostanay Pedagogical Institute was separated from the University.

According to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 13, 2018 No. 119, the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute was renamed the Kostanay State Pedagogical University.

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 16, 2018 No. 754, Kostanay State Pedagogical University was named after academician Umirzak Sultangazin.

Kostanay Regional University named after Akhmet Baitursynuly (2019 – present)

In 2019, a Decree of the Republic of Kazakhstan was issued on the reorganization through the merger of the RSE into the REM “Kostanay State University named after. A. Baitursynov" and the RSE at the REM "Kostanay State Pedagogical University named after. U. Sultangazin" at the NJSC "Kostanay Regional University named after Akhmet Baitursynuly".

As part of the redesign, academic divisions were created: the Pedagogical Institute, the Faculty of Economics and Law, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Energy and Information Technology, the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities and the Research Institute of Applied Biotechnology.

A dissertation council in Veterinary medicine has been opened.

At the beginning of 2023, a republican grant funding competition for the provision of business incubation services started; in April 2023, Smart-Center became one of the winners of the competition to support business incubators from the National Agency for Innovation Development QazInnovations JSC, eventually entering the top 10 business incubators of Kazakhstan, with a score of 79.14 out of 100, became the owner of a grant and conducted 2 incubation streams during the year.

In September 2023, a regional representative office of Astana Hub, Qostanai IT-HUB, was opened on the basis of the Smart Center.

On September 20, 2023, a regional representative office of ENACTUS KAZAKHSTAN was opened at the Smart-Center.

In October 2023, the “Representative Office of the Federation for Sports Programming in the Kostanay Region” was opened.

The university has become a leader in the number of successfully implemented international Erasmus+ projects.

The university successfully trains personnel for various sectors of the regional and national economy, cooperates with leading universities in the world, and is a center for scientific research.

Admission committee